Easy Ways to Speed Up Your Compost

12 May 2023

Compost is the most affordable option of organic fertilizer, which can be made in your garden.
Composting is not a difficult but time-consuming process. If you follow our simple rules, you can easily prepare compost in 2-3 months.

1. So, to prepare compost, you need to choose a place and to build a container or to  buy a ready-made box. The composter should be strong and capacious in order for it to be convenient and long-lasting. It is better to choose a place for installation and accumulation of organic remains to make it easy for future  transportation.

2. The most suitable materials for composting are:

Wood - small branches, wood chips and sawdust.  Besides plant remains such as leaves, tops, stems are recommended to be added. Manure or chicken coop is a great part of compost. Grass clippings, hay, paper can be used as well.
By the way household waste such as vegetables and fruits peels or used tea leaves go to compost too.
What is forbidden to be put in compost?
Such things like rubber, metal, construction waste, candy wrappers and cabbage leaves should not be laid.

3. How to properly lay compost?
Balance is important for composting. Therefore the best way to lay organic matter in layers of up to 30 cm, replacing each layer with a layer of soil. At the very bottom of the composter, a rough chip is placed for better ventilation.

4. Conditions for preparing!
Humidity should be maintained at approximately 50-60%. Do not leave the compost open, because waterlogging will not lead to the fermentation process, but to the rotting process.

Air access must be present in all corners. Then the process will be correct.