1. The end of June, the beginning of July is an important time for fertilizing roses.
2. Treatment against diseases and pests
When the roses beginn blooming, it is the time of aphid colonization. Therefore, it is important to carry out treatment against insect pests. On the other hand, the following diseases can also appear: powdery mildew, grey grill, black spot and others.
3. Prevention is the best solution for strong plant immunity.
For 5 liters of water, take 15-20 ml of Fitobact® + 10-15 ml of Liposam® bioadjuvant. Once every 10-14 days, add such a solution of biologicals to the spraying
4. Efficient plant nutrition
For leaf spraying, use 20 ml of Live Fertilizer Organic-Balance®.
Such procedures will decorate your garden with amazing and strong roses!