How to increase cucumber yield using Microorganisms

14 Jul 2023

Competent landing First of all, it is important to remember that cucumber is a heat-loving plant that comes from tropical and subtropical regions.

Therefore, cucumbers should be sown with seeds or planted as seedlings in warm, warm soil - at least +15 and the air temperature should reach at least +18-20.

It is also should be mentioned that during the growing season, the temperature of the air or soil has to be constant. If the summer is cold, then cucumbers will not be able to thank you with a large yields and they will often get sick.

Seeds selection The choice of seeds is very important. After all, there are many varieties and hybrids. If the plants will be grown in a greenhouse, it is worth choosing parthenocarpic hybrids (self-pollinating).

If it is open ground, it is better to pay attention to bee-pollinated hybrids or varieties. If the temperature in your region is changeable, then you should choose late varieties of cucumbers, as they are more resistant to temperature changes and can fructify fruit until autumn.

3. Watering Watering should be carried out with warm water +25, in the morning or in the evening. Water plays an important role, because a cucumber consists of 96% water, that’s why we have to water abundantly, but not near the stem itself, so that there is no rot.

4. Cucumber also likes fertilizing, certainly organic is much better. If it is compost, then it should be half-rotted, then it has the most nutrients. A chicken coop, humus and green fertilizers are also suitable. It is also very good to mulch with grass and leaves, because in the process of decomposition, carbon dioxide is released, which is useful for plants, and subsequently affects the yield.

5. It is also worth remembering that microorganisms play a huge role in the nutrition of this plant, so we advise you to treat your cucumbers once a week with Live Fertilizer Organic-Balance® under the root at the rate of 35-40 ml per 10 liters of water. Such feeding will increase the biological activity in the root zone and will additionally maintain the temperature in the soil.

6. Like most plants, cucumbers are also susceptible to diseases. We recommend prevention. Leaf treatment with Fitobact® will provide strong immunity! 40-50 ml of Fitobact® per 10 liters of water - spraying is carried out once every 10-14 days according to the instruction. It will enhance the effect of the biological bioadhesive Liposam®. Liposam® fixes fertilizers on the leaves.

Such simple and effective tips will allow you to pick up buckets of cucumbers!

Grow organic, healthy and delicious vegetables!