Poinsettia, how to care year-round

13 Dec 2023

The poinsettia, or "Christmas star," is a popular houseplant that is often presented for Christmas. Its bright red, pink, white, or yellow flowers eye-catching and create a holiday atmosphere. After the holidays, many people throw away the poinsettia, believing that it will not survive. In fact, with correct care, poinsettias can be grown for more than one year. Poinsettia has special care requirements. Following them, you will be a happy owner of a living plant all year round.

 1. How to recognize a flower that you shouldn't buy?

You should not buy a plant that has dry, drooping and curled leaves, especially at the base of the stem, if the soil is dry in the pot, the color of the leaves is white or light green. Or if it is already finishing flowering.

2. How to care for the bought poinsettia?

When buying a poinsettia in a flower shop, wrap the flower in paper tightly. Poinsettia does not like temperature changes and drafts. The flower, originally from Mexico, prefers warm and humid climates, at the same time it does not like direct sunlight and touches. When buying in a supermarket, cover the plant with a plastic bag, do not leave it in a cold car, and quickly transport it to a place with indoor temperature.

Optimal conditions for the flower during the period of development and flowering:

- Daylight hours not less than 6 hours, also suitable artificial lighting;

- No temperature changes and drafts;

- Temperature during the flowering period +20 - 35 C;

- Mild watering with water at indoor temperature;

- Light and well-aerated soil;

- No additional fertilizer.

 3. After flowering.

When the plants fades, some leaves turn green and some fall off. This means that the plant needs rest.

During this period, we limit watering and give the plant time to fall off the leaves on its own. In May, we cut the stems to a height of about 20-30 cm above the ground and replant them in a larger pot with clean, fresh, aerated soil mix of room temperature.

Put the pot with the poinsettia in a bright place, regularly water it with a small amount of water 1-2 times a week, and once a month water it with Organic Balance biological fertilizer (35 ml / 500 ml of water).

 4. To make the poinsettia bloom next year, you need to stimulate it to form bracts. That is why during the dormant period (from mid-November to mid-February) the plant must be kept in short daylight hours.

How to do it:

- From mid-November (about 40 days before Christmas), completely limit the light for the poinsettia. This can be done, for example, by covering the pot with a box or cabinet from 18:00 to 9:00.

- Continue to water the poinsettia regularly, but do not overfill. The soil should be medium moist.

- Once a week, feed the plant with a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.


- Plants sold as miniature poinsettias are actually one-year seedlings that are forced to bloom before their time. They are especially sensitive to dry substrate and are easily damaged. Better not to buy such miniatures.

- Poinsettia does not like an overabundance or deficiency of water. If the moisture of the soil is too high for a long time, the roots of the poinsettia could rot.

- Poinsettias are sensitive to gas and tobacco smoke. Therefore, a few weeks in a room with polluted air also causes the leaves of the poinsettia to fall off.

Poinsettia is not toxic, but some people and animals can be sensitive to the plant's milky sap, which can cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is always best to keep this beautiful plant away from children and pets.