Restoration soil fertility

07 Dec 2023

Soil is one of the most important resources for humanity. It provides food stability, ecosystem health, human wellbeing, and helps fight climate change.  However, soils are also very sensitive to human impact. Overuse of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, plus soil erosion, cause soil degradation.

Soil degradation is a process when soil loses its fertile properties and is a global problem, degraded soils amount to a quarter of the earth's surface. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Poland, about 36% of Poland's agricultural land is degraded since 2023. This means that more than 10 million hectares of land have lost their qualities and can't be used effectively for farming.

Did you know that microorganisms are in close cooperation with all components of the biocenosis and are a necessary component of healthy soil? They are involved in the decomposition of plant residues and the formation of humus, the transformation of complex chemicals into simple and accessible elements, the preservation of fertility and the supply of plants with nutrients.

Microbial-based biological products have a wide range of benefits for soil remediation.

- The microorganisms included in the biological products helps to strengthen the soil structure by forming strong bonds between the particles, which reduces the risk of wind and water erosion.

- They also improve its structure by decomposing organic matter, promoting the formation of humus, which improves its structure, water penetration and drainage properties.

- The presence of microorganisms in the soil allows plants to obtain mineralized organic matter in a form available for plants. This helps to increase crop yields.

1 mg of soil contains tens or hundreds of thousands of different microorganisms, including harmful ones. Soil Improver Ecostern® includes microorganisms that actively disinfect and reduce soil toxicity caused by pesticide residues. Healthy Land biological products include microorganisms that can transform phosphorus and potassium from complex compounds into forms easily accessible by plants, as well as fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available.

We are used to applying additional fertilizers to increase the yield. But in this way, we restore only one of the many components, because soil as a living ecosystem with a unique microbiome and conditions.

We can make a huge impact on soil fertility by using simple biological methods to maintain the soil's natural balance and restore its microbiological richness.

- Use of organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers, such as compost, manure, and green manure, provide nutrients and organic matter back to the soil. They also promote the growth of soil microflora.

- Protecting the soil against erosion. Soil erosion causes the loss of fertile soil layers. To protect the soil from erosion, the following rules should be followed:

o Do not use mineral fertilizers, which promote soil compaction.

o Water the plants regularly to prevent the soil from drying out.

o Sow green fertilizer crops that help to improve soil stability.

- Use of biological product. Biological products contain beneficial microorganisms. They help restore the microbiological balance of the soil.