Secrets of growing grapes without chemicals

15 Apr 2023

In order to achieve success and enjoy delicious berries, it is necessary to carry out so-called "green operations".

As experienced winegrowers usually say - if your grapes are not cut this season, then you may not wait for sweet berries.

Pruning grapes allows you to get better conditions for the development and ripening of bunches. Besides it provides the shoots with sunlight and ventilation.

A number of other procedures are also carried out while the grape vines are growing. For example it is necessary to break off the sprouts so that the barren branches will not draw nutrients.

Grafting. This procedure is carried out at the end of June or at the beginning of July, so it helps more nutrients reach the clusters.

Regulation of inflorescences - in grape varieties with small sleeves, inflorescences of the 1st order are removed, in all other varieties, inflorescences of the 3rd and 4th order should be removed. As a result, the berries grow larger and sweeter, crack less often and rot less as well.

Stepping - shoots that are not needed should be reduced. Therefore, from June to August, all the shoots emerging in the axils of the leaves of the stepson are plucked and at the same time all the whiskers are cut, so that the plant directs its strength to the future harvest.

When the plant has already some berries, it is impossible to treat it with chemical means, since the waiting period does not allow any treatments.

We can offer you our biological Fitobact, which always helps  to prevent diseases and to improve plant health.

Recipe: 100 ml of plant aid Fitobact per 5 liters of water + 10 ml of bio adjuvant Liposam. Repeat such treatments once every 10-14 days.

Such a comprehensive approach to cultivation will give great  results and you will be able to enjoy the taste of sweet organic grapes!